Nato Ajp 2.7 Pdf Konica Minalto 190f Download Drivers Windows 7 Straight Valve 1/2 Tubing Fitting. 40g Series Valves (2 Way Valve) Crusoe Had It Easy Guide Character Rpg Maker Dimensions Sheet Winzip Keygen File Download Middle Top Of Foot Pain When Walking Matlab R2016b Licence Torrent Rare Gamecube Games. The NATO equivalent to the PCDD is the Allied Joint Doctrine Campaign Plan (AJDCP), which establishes througha 5-year cycle an incremental planning to revise Allied Joint Publications (AJP). It must be borne in mind that the Alliance's doctrinal priorities may not coincide with the national ones. MCM-0085-2010, Military Concept for NATO Strategic Communications, dated 11 August 2010. IMSWM-0051-2011 (SD1 ), NATO Strategic Communications Military Capability Implementation Plan (CIP), dated 11 April 2011. PO (2009) 0141, NATO Strategic Communications Policy, dated 29 September 2009. The aim of this publication is to provide medical planning doctrine for NATO multinational joint CBRN defence. STANAG 2437, AJP-01, Allied Joint Doctrine, provides the ‘capstone’ doctrine for the planning, execution and support of Allied joint operations. STANAG 2182, AJP-4, Allied Joint Doctrine for Logistics, provides.
Official documents and doctine from selected nations, and the UN, and media search engines.
Doctrine (National Defence)
2002 'Peace Support Operations,' Joint Doctrine Manual B-GJ-005-307/FP-030, 6 Nov 2002 (pdf: en, fr)
2007 'Peace Support Operations Field Handbook,' B-GG-007-001-FP-001, 2008 (pdf)
Mandate Letters (Trudeau government)
2015 Minister of Foreign Affairs Dion (html)
2015 Minister of National Defence Sajjan (html) (PMO website)
2017 Minister of Foreign Affairs Freeland (html) (PMO website)
2019 Minister of Foreign Affairs Champagne (html) (PMO website)
2021 Minister of Foreign Affairs Garneau (Supplementary letter) (html) (PMO website)
Nato Ajp 2.7 Pdf Converter
White Papers on Defence
2017 Strong, Secure, Engaged: Canada's Defence Policy (DND pdf)
2008 Canada First Defence Strategy (pdf)
2005 A Role of Pride and Influence in the World:Defence ('Defence Policy Statement') (pdf)
1994 Defence White Paper (pdf, without images)
1992 Canadian Defence Policy
1987 Challenge and Commitment: A Defence Policy for Canada (pdf)
1971 White Paper on Defence (pdf)
1964 White Paper on Defence (pdf)
See also Defence Policy Archives at
White Papers and Reviews on Foreign Affairs
2010 Canada's Cyber Security Strategy (html) (pdf, 330 KB)
2005 A Role of Pride and Influence in the World:Diplomacy (pdf) (see below for all components of International Policy Statement)
2004 Canada's National Security Policy (pdf)
1995 Canada in the World: Canadian Foreign Policy Review (html) (pdf, 236 KB)
1985 Competitiveness and Security : Directions for Canada's international relations (pdf, 6 MB) (
1970 Foreign Policy for Canadians (pdf, 4 MB)
1968 Federalism and International Relations (pdf, 4 MB)
House of Commons Committee Reports on Peacekeeping
2019 Canada’s Role in International Peace Operations and Conflict Resolution (pdf, 2 MB)
Senate Committee Reports (on peacekeeping)
2016 UN Deployment: Prioritizing Commitments at Home and Abroad (pdf:en, 6.4 MB, fr, 2.4 MB)
2000 The New NATO and the Evolution of Peacekeeping: Implications for Canada (html: en, fr)
1993 Meeting New Challenges: Canada's response to a New Generation of Peacekeeping (report of the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs)
Somalia Inquiry report (1997):
Exec summary (pdf) (gc pdf, 43 MB); Vol 1 (pdf, 69 MB) (gc pdf, 206 MB); Vol 2 (pdf, 68 MB) (gc pdf, 206 MB); Vol 3 (pdf, 48 MB) (gc pdf,150 MB); Vol 4 (pdf,19 MB) (gc pdf, 46 MB); Vol 5 (pdf, 91 MB) (gc pdf, 280 MB). No covers (Queens Univ., under 2 MB): Exec Summary (pdf), Vol.1-4. Training study (LaRose-Edwards et al., full report: pdf, 8 MB; recommendations only: pdf, 400K)
International Policy Statement (2005)
Overview(pdf, 1.2MB),Defence(pdf, 1.0 MB),Development(pdf, 1.4MB), Diplomacy(pdf, 860 KB). Former government site links:Overview, Diplomacy, Defence, Development. ('no longer available online' 2012)
Responsibility to Protect: Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, 2001. (pdf) Supplementaryvolume (Research, Bibliography and Background), 2001. (pdf)
Canadian Speeches on International Affairs and Peacekeeping (extracts)
'Glossary of Terms and Definitions,' AAP-06, 2017 (pdf, 2.7 MB)
'Military Contributions to Peace Support,' AJP 3.4.1, EDA V1 E, 2014 (pdf, 412 KB)
'Military Support to Stabilization and Reconstruction,' AJP 3.4.5, 2015 (pdf, 1.2 MB)
“Peace Support Operations Techniques and Procedures,” ATP-, August 2001 (pdf, 1 MB)
Nato Ajp 2.7 Pdf File
NEWS MEDIA (Newspapers)
Archival searches of:
Globe and
New York
Charter of the United Nations, html on UN website (by chapter); on this site as html and as pdf and in French (pdf)
* League of Nations Covenant and UN Charter comparison section-by section (pdf)
Cuban Missile Crisis primary documents:
ODS (Official Document System), advanced search:
Peacekeeping operations (past and present), statistics, mission histories:Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council.
Photo Library and UN Multimedia
Refworld documents by type (e.g., maps, mission reports, searchable GA/SC resolutions)
UN News
WebTV (UN), including 'Live Now' and 'Security Council Media Stakeout'
Doctrine and Reports
Agenda for Peace ('An Agenda for Peace: Preventive diplomacy, peacemaking and peace-keeping') 1992
(pdf-doc-scan) (pdf-clean), Supplement (1995)(pdf)
Brahimi Report ('Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations'), UN Doc. A/55/305 and S/2000/809,
21 August 2000 (pdf, 560 KB) (UN pdf/Word)
Cammaert Report ('Executive Summary of the Independent Special Investigation into the
violence which occurred in Juba in 2016 and UNMISS response') (pdf, 300 KB)
COE Manual ('Contingent-Owned Equipment Manual'), UN Doc A/72/288, 4 August 2017 (pdf, 2.7 MB)
Cruz Rerport ('Improving Security of United Nations Peacekeepers:
We need to change the way we are doing business'), 2017 (pdf, 2.3 MB) (UN site pdf)
'Handbook on United Nations Multidimensional Peacekeeping Operations,' UN, 2003 (pdf)
HIPPO Report ('Report of the High-level Independent Panel on Peace Operations on uniting our strengths for peace:
politics, partnership and people'), UN Doc. A/70/95 -- S/2015/446, 17 June 2015. (pdf, 1.1 MB; UN pdf)
Kigali Principles ('The Kigali Principles on the Protection of Civilians') (pdf, 62 KB)
Model Status of Forces Agreement,' UN Doc. A/45/594, 9 October 1990 (pdf, 724 KB)
New Horizon paper (A New Partnership Agenda: Charting a New Horizon for UN Peacekeeping), Department of Peacekeeping Operations
and Department of Field Support, 2009
Peacekeeping Capability Readiness System (Uniformed Capability Requirements for UN Peacekeeping, incl. quarterly requirements reports)
Peacekeeping Principles and Guidelines, ('United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Principles and Guidelines,' aka 'Capstone doctrine')
United Nations, 2008. (pdf, 450 KB, fr: pdf, 529 KB)
SG Bulletin on IHL Observance ('Secretary-General's Bulletin: Observance by United Nations Forces of International Humanitarian Law'),
ST/SGB/1999/13, 12 August 1999 (pdf, 56 KB)
Technology Panel Report, ('Performance Peacekeeping: Final Report of the Expert Panel on Technology and Innovation in UN Peacekeeping'),
February 2015 (pdf, 11 MB)
Peace Operations Journals, Newsletters and Bulletins
MINUSCA (UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic): MINUSCA en action
MINUSMA (Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali): MINUSMA HEBDO
MONUSCO (Organization Stabilization Mission in the DRC): Echos de la MONUSCO
UNAMA (UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan): Population Movement Bulletin

UNAMI (UN in Iraq): UNAMI Herald
UNAMID: Voices of Darfur Magazine
UNDOF (UN Disengagement Observer Force): Golan Journal
UNFICYP (UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus): The Blue Beret Magazine
UNIFIL (UN Interim Force in Lebanon): Al Janoub Magazine
UNISFA - UN Interim Security Forse for Abyei): UNMAS Newsletter
UNMISS (UN Mission in South Sudan): UNMISS Update
UNOCA (UN Regional Office for Central Africa): UNOCA Magazine
UNOWAS (Office for West Africa and the Sahel): UNOWAS E-Magazine
UNTSO (UN Truce Supervision Organization): UNTSO Magazine
United Nations Police Magazine
Peacekeeping Manuals (PKSOI access):
Infantry Battalion Manual Volume I (2012, pdf), Volume II (2012, pdf)
Peacekeeping Training Manual (1999)
Protection of Civilians: Implementing Guidelines for Military Components of United Nations Peacekeeping Missions (2015, pdf)
Maritime Task Force Manual (2015, pdf)
Military Engineers Manual (2015, pdf)
Military Police Unit Manual (2015, pdf)
Military Logistics Unit Manual (2015, pdf)
Military Signals Unit Manual (2015, pdf)
Military Reconnaissance Unit Manual (2015, pdf)
Military Special Forces Manual (2015, pdf)
Military Aviation Unit Manual (2015, pdf)
United Nations Force Headquarters Handbook (2014, pdf)
Peacekeeping Training - see dedicated webpage
Core Pre-deployment Training Materials for United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (CPTM 2017), UN, 2017 (web)
Security Council
Meeting records (including Proces Verbal)
Provisional Rules of Procedure (also available on the current site here). Français: Règlement intérieur provisoire du Conseil de sécurité (aussi disponible sur ce cite Web ici (pdf))
Resolutions: (no search function); wikipedia (summaries and votes); Refworld: Resolutions (searchable)
Refworld: Presidential statements
Search docs with ODS: (full text) search by adding symbol S/ or (for resolutions) S/RES
Security Council website
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) Guidance for 2011. Washington, DC: Department of Defense, 2011. United States. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Defense Strategic Guidance (Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense). Department of Defense, January 2012.
Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense Reorganization Act of 1986. Library of Congress. 99th Congress. Public Law 99-433. 1986.
National Military Strategy of the United States of America: Redefining America's Military Leadership. United States. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Washington, DC: Department of Defense, February 2011.
National Security Strategy of the United States. United States. The Office of the President. Washington, DC: The White House, May 2010.
National Security Act of 1947 (as amended). Title 50 US Code, Sections 401-442a. 2010 ed. (Cornell University Law School)
Quadrennial Defense Review Report. United States. The Office of the Secretary of Defense. Washington, DC: Department of Defense, 12 February 2010.
Technology Source Book: Enabling Technologies for UN Peacekeeping Operations, Department of Defence, Washington, DC., 2015. (pdf)
War Powers Resolution. Library of Congress. 93rd Congress. Public Law 93-148. 1973.
United States Army and Marines, Insurgencies and Countering Insurgencies, Field Manual FM 3-24, May 2014. (5.8 MB) (excerpt on COIN Paradoxes, 3.8 MB) (for latest, see below under US, Joint Chiefs)
United States, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 'Joint Doctrine home,'
United States, Joint Chiefs, 'Counterinsurgency,' Joint Field Manual JP 3-24, 25 April 2018. (pdf, 2.3 MB)
United States, Joint Chiefs, 'Peace Operations,' Joint Publication 3-07.3, 1 March 2018 (pdf, PKSOI) (old version: 17 October 2007, pdf)
United States, 'Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Conducting Peace Operations,' FM 3-07.31, May 2019: pdf at FAS website. Older version:1 April 2009 (pdf, 3.3 MB)(pdf: FAS, 4.2 MB)
United States, Joint Chiefs, 'Stability,' Joint Publication JP 3-07, 3 August 2016 (pdf, 3.2 MB)(JCS, pdf) (previous version: Stability Operations, 29 September 2011).
United States, Joint Chiefs, 'Cyberspace Operations,' Joint Publication JP 3-12, 5 February 2013. (JCS, pdf)
United Kingdom, 'Security and Stabilitization: The Military Contribution,' Joint Doctrine Pub 3-40, 2009.