MFOC is an open source implementation of 'offline nested' attack by Nethemba. This program allow to recover authentication keys from MIFARE Classic card. Please note MFOC is able to recover keys from target only if it have a known key: default one (hardcoded in MFOC) or custom one (user provided using command line). So, reading your Mifare card isn't hard. If you have libnfc supported reader you can run Mifare Classic Offline Cracker to dump data. But then, you are presented with dumps which you don't understand. Mifare Application Directory (MAD) documents directory-like structure that describes how sectors on card are used. Mfoc - Mifare Classic Offline Cracker #opensource. We have collection of more than 1 Million open source products ranging from Enterprise product to small libraries in all platforms. Mifare Classic Offline Cracker. 2016-05-17 08:46 Tagy: mifare classic; Mifare Classic Offline Cracker; NFC payment cards; parking ticket vulnerabilities; security.
Non-authentic MIFARE® products, including counterfeit ICs and cloned smart cards, pose a significant risk to everyone involved, from manufacturers and suppliers to end customers and consumers.
Using the latest MIFARE products helps to reduce this risk as they ensure proper ISO compliance including secure and trusted production and quality review processes. They add additional security features like the support of NXP’s Originality Check. Jointly with our Premium Partner AdvanIDe, NXP offers the NXP Originality Checker Reader, a tool that can help to verify the authenticity of an NXP IC, by simply tapping it to a special reader that is connected to your desktop PC.
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After running an extensive set of checks, both in the reader itself as well as with an online service provided by NXP, you can receive the information whether an IC has been produced by NXP or not.
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Products supported:
- MIFARE Classic®
- MIFARE Plus®
- MIFARE Ultralight®
The Originality Checker Reader is available through the AdvanIDe website, and it consists of 1 Reader with USB interface with SAMs. Please contact our Premium Partner AdvanIDe if you are interested in the NXP Originality Checker Reader.
Mifare Classic Offline Cracker Windows
For further support, please write an email to to get more information about the NXP Originality Checker Reader and the necessary software. Please note that you must be an active user of NXP DocStore and have an NDA signed with NXP to be eligible to use the Reader and the Software. Once you have the Software installed and activated, updates to the PC Application and to the Reader Firmware will be downloaded automatically.