Basically, the software when loaded onto an Arduino creates the heart of a low cost high performance cnc controller. It allows us to use an Arduino to run our CNC machines. If you already have GRBL and need more information on how to adjust the settings for your machine get the GRBL Settings Pocket Guide by clicking the link below. Download grbl controller 64 bit for free. System Utilities downloads - Grbl Controller by Zapmaker and many more programs are available for instant and free download. If the maker movement was an industry, Grbl would be the industry standard. Most open source 3D printers have Grbl in their hearts. It has been adapted for use in hundreds of projects including laser cutters, automatic hand writers, hole drillers, graffiti painters and oddball drawing machines.
- Grbl Controller Software Manual
- Grbl Controller Software Download V11
- Grbl Controller software, free download
Today the generation has become so much filled out of technology. Everywhere we are seeing technological activities. Now, one of the popular sides of technological development is Arduino.
There are so many projects where Arduino is used not only as an assignment purpose, but also for industrial purposes. So, what it is and how they work is an important point to know!
There are so many controllers available in the market today like RaspberryPie and others. But, they are somehow comfortable with specific categorised people.
All the people are not comfortable with raspberry pie. Also, there are not many accessories available with this type of companions.
But, it is observed that the GRBL code is very easy to understand. Plus, they take less time to compile and check out the device configuration.
The configuration is also very easy at all with the peripheral device. But before that, one should know what the origin of all of these is?
These all are coming from the concept of embedded systems. And the key structure of the embedded system consists of three particular points.

- Arduino and its accessories
- Implementable code for Arduino or the language of Arduino for GRBL.
- G-code

What Is The GRBL Controller Actually?
Now, every controller, whether it can be a mobile or computer or any other circuit which is designed to work with commands and sometimes automatically has an in-built firmware.
Now, What Is Firmware?
The firmware is basically a preloaded set of codes and command which detects the input and outputs of the device. Now one device can only do work if its firmware can detect other commands.
GRBL is an in-built software or firmware used in Arduino. Through this, one can use the Arduino easily. Now, this GRBL firmware can be installed in any version of the Arduino controller. For instance; Arduino UNO, Nano, Duemilanove, etc.
So, it is now understood what a GRBL is! Now the question is, how GRBL will be connected to the device? The simple answer is it uses the G-Code to control the hardware.
So again, one question comes around. What is G-Code? So, G-code is a set of instructions through which one can design the code according to the necessity. Then they can port the instruction into the controller using the GRBL software.
The most important point about the GRBL controller is it uses a simple USB port, where the other CNC controller uses the red or pink big pins to supply power as well as information.
So, it is comparatively very handy. Because USB is very commonly available in the market, Arduino is not an exception to it.
How To install GRBL Controller?
Well, the GRBL software is very easy to install. One can easily install the GRBL software by following the methods mentioned below. So, lets directly get into this.
Step 1:
- First, get the Arduino IDE. It is the preliminary software that creates the environment of supporting and unconventional code platforms like another coding platform, e.g., java, c, etc. download the Arduino IDE from the official website.
- Click the executable file.
- Then run it with administrator permission.
- Click next and select the folder where you want to install the file. By default, it uses the program file x86 folder on C drive or program file folder depending on the system version 64 bit or 32 bit, respectively. The program files folder and program files x86 folder both are present in the 64-bit system, so keep it in mind.
- After completing the installation, launch the application by clicking the shortcut icon from the desktop.
Complementary Steps:
Well, one who uses Arduino as a daily basis controller to his project can download the upgraded image file from the website and install it on the computer permanently.
There, one can also make a U-boot image that means an installable image from a pen drive or any other removable disk. It is helpful for those who cannot travel with their system.
Step 2:

- Download the source code from the official GitHub account of the GRBL developers.
- After downloading the source code, imply it into the software directly.
- Then you are good to go with the software.
Always download the latest version with the stable mentioned format because the developer version and the beta version can have a lot more functions.
But if one wants to have the feature beforehand of releasing in the stable, they can choose it.
Short Description Of GRBL Releases:
- Well, after a lot of beta testing, the developer used to think about the master version of GRBL in the stable category. The GRBL V1.1 is the first version that was released. There were some bugs present.
- So, the next update comes that is V1.1e, which fixes the preliminary bug of alarm handling. It was not present in the V1.1. Sometimes in this 1.1 version, after giving the predefined code, it goes into an infinite loop, so that also becomes fixed. Sometimes it shows the wrong dialogues like not supported, running out of storage, and else that is also fixed.
- But still, there were so many bugs till then. Those are a little fixed in version 1.1f release. In version 1.1f, the latest problem fixed at that time was about the streaming interface. Also, there was some window viewing problem that had been fixed.
- Now, there is a point that as much as features will be included in the software, the possibility of bugs will be greater. So, it is important to update the software regularly. It doesn’t mean that every software does have the same requirements and get a regular basis update. Just update it when it is available.
Know The Perfect Way To Settings Of GRBL
Settings of GRBL is an important point to start the development. The first point that comes here is the primary set up in the software. So let’s go with the flow step by step.
Step 1:
First of all, go to the software and then go to the file section where one can easily find some tools section.
Step 2:
- Go to the Tools section and select the baud rate according to the hardware. It is a device-specific method.
- So, try it and see which baud rate gives you the right response at all. Before selecting the baud rate, there is one more thing to select that is an Arduino model.
- Select Atmega 8 if it is an Uno model or select the nano model by checking the model number written on the device.
Step 3:
- Type ‘$$’.
- It should give a list then. It will consist of some gradually increasing numbers.
- Then select them, and it will execute that to set up the device.
GRBL: Proper Approach To Use
Now, there is something that is to discuss how to use the GRBL. Well, GRBL is very easy to use.
One who uses GRBL does not necessarily have any knowledge about it previously. Yes, if one has a basic knowledge of coding, then it is good to go.
They need to define value first and then go for the console. There are the settings page and pendant page. The pendant page doesn’t mean at all.
The main configuration is done with settings. Then it needs to connect the USB with PC and the Arduino. Update the connection type by giving specific commands. Then see what response the firmware gives.
If the response is positive, then go with the flow. Otherwise, check the baud rate. Also, check the settings clearly. Check the model number as well.
What One Should Know ?
Well, all the technologies that are evolving today are connected with the same root somewhere. The main brain behind all of those is the specific hardware and the firmware that they use. So, simply GRBL is also a similar firmware which is used in Arduino.
Now Arduino is universal hardware that has some collection of ports in-built. One can easily imply any of the projects with any type of circuitry with this. Normally it is used to control stepper motors in a more controlled way.
It is very necessary to control the speed of the stepper. With a stepper motor, there are some projects like a laser cutter, automatic pain controlled printer, 3D printer, etc. can be made easily.
So, on this type of innovative project does need GRBL software and G-Code, where the implication of human language to machine language is very easy.
This compendium is the collection of resources for Genmitsu 3018-Pro provided by SainSmart and community members.
You can join our Facebook group for discussions and project ideas for your new CNC machine.
- 3018-Pro User Manual: PDF version of 3018-Pro user manual
- 3018-Pro Assembly Notes: Written by a member of the community, this was created as an aid to those assembling a SainSmart Model 3018-Pro CNC Router.

CNC Controller Software Installation
- How to Install Candle/GRBLControl for Windows
- GRBLControl/Candle 1.17 (For Windows): Link downloads a .zip file containing a full copy of Candle, the software you can use to run your CNC through your computer. Must unzip entire folder to use.
- CH341SER Driver (For Windows): If windows does not do so automatically when you connect your CNC to the computer for the first time, this downloadable file is the Driver which is needed for your computer to be able to communicate with your CNC.
- How to Install Candle/GRBL Control for Mac(Except for Catalina & Big Sur)
- Please Note if you Have Mac OS Catalina or later: Unfortunately, due to recent security changes in Catalina and Big Sur, Candle has been unable to run on these systems. At this time there are no fixes, as a lot of the issues are related to how Big Sur changed what software is acceptable, and what is not. Since Candle has not been updated for Mac in some time, it is unfortunately not permitted by the operating system anymore even though it is 'Mac Compatible' in every conventional sense of the term.
What we have been advising Mac Catalina & Big Sur users to do is to migrate to Easel, a browser-based variant of Candle which is also free to use. - GRBLControl/Candle 1.17 (For Mac): Zip file containing a full copy of Candle, the software you can use to run your CNC through your computer. Must unzip entire folder to use, instructions on how to install is included in .zip file.
- CH341SER Driver (For Mac): This driver will not install automatically and must be installed as dictated by instructions included in the .zip which this link will download.
- PDF Instructions For Mac Installation for Candle: Included in the files for Candle itself, this link goes directly to a PDF for those who want a printable/offline copy of the instructions.
- Please Note if you Have Mac OS Catalina or later: Unfortunately, due to recent security changes in Catalina and Big Sur, Candle has been unable to run on these systems. At this time there are no fixes, as a lot of the issues are related to how Big Sur changed what software is acceptable, and what is not. Since Candle has not been updated for Mac in some time, it is unfortunately not permitted by the operating system anymore even though it is 'Mac Compatible' in every conventional sense of the term.

Configuration & Testing
- Gcode Sample: Originally provided on the Disc that came with your CNC, these are pre-made test cuts users can use to try out their machine, or to help troubleshoot issues with other files.
- 3018 Pro Troubleshooting Supplement: Having issues with your CNC and hoping it's a quick fix? This supplemental document goes through a number of common issues and how to fix them.
- Guide to Uploading Firmware to SainSmart CNC's (Links to Factory default firmware included)
- Intro to CNC for a Total Novice: The Basics (Based on the works of Graham Bland)
- Intro to CNC for a Total Novice: Tuning GRBL (Based on the works of Graham Bland)
Machine Operation
- Caleb Builds 3D YouTube Videos:
- How To do Your First Engraving with any SainSmart CNC: A great video that shows users in detail how to use Candle to operate your machine for the first time and run the SainSmart test files.
- How To Design & Cut Your First CNC Project Using Easel: Directly following up on the prior video, this one walks you through designing and cutting your first project, step by step in a way that's easy to follow.
Laser Guides & Instructions
Grbl Controller Software Manual
- Intro to CNC for a Total Novice: Setting up a Laser (Based off the works of Graham Bland)
- LightBurn Quick-Start Guide: This guide walks you through the installation and use of LightBurn, a powerful and affordable GRBL controller meant specifically for lasers
- GRBL Error Code List & Meaning: Whenever something is going wrong with your CNC, GRBL tries it's best to provide you with an error code to help you in diagnosing and resolving the issue you are having. This information is invaluable in getting your CNC back up and running so we suggest that you keep an eye out for error codes and make sure to include this information if you need further support from us.
Upgrading Your 3018 Pro
- Making a Motor Noise Suppression (MNS) PCB for Your Sainsmart 3018 Pro CNC Machine: The 3018 PROVer CNC comes with a circuit board integrated into the spindle to help prevent electrical noise from going from your spindle to your controller board. This guide covers how to make your own for your 3018 Pro CNC.
- How to Install Limit Switches in your Genmitsu 3018 Pro with Only Your CNC: Limit switches are one of the best upgrades you can add for your 3018 Pro CNC, allowing you to use the limit switches for more complex projects and what separates this project from the below is that you can fabricate the mounts with your CNC!
- Adding Axis Limit and Emergency Stop Switches to a SainSmart 3018 Pro CNC Machine: Similar to the guide above but requires a 3D printer for the mounting brackets. This also covers adding an emergency stop switch as well.
- Genmitsu CNC Y-Axis Expansion Guide for 3018 Series CNC Router: One of our most popular upgrades! With this upgrade kit, you can drastically increase the total size of your Y-Axis to allow for larger projects.
- The Genmitsu 3040 Aluminum HDF Spoilboard Extension Kit is strongly recommended for those who get the expanded Y-axis. Not only does this double your CNC bed size, but it also includes a spoil board!
Grbl Controller Software Download V11
Other Software
- Fusion 360 Guides:
- Carveco Maker:
- Easel:
- Link to Website (No download necessary, registration required to use)
Misc. Download Links
- Full Contents of 3018 Pro CD (308 MB): Included with your 3018 Pro packaging is a CD with much of the above content, as well as video instructions and more. Meant for those who lost their CD or do not have a CD drive on their computer.