Utau Program

DISCLAIMER: I no longer use Mac as my primary operating system. My current computer runs Windows 10. I may not be able to provide support immediately.

  • Manually editing the UST presets themselves. An option is to click on the OPT button (you can find this button on the far right of the secondary taskbar in the UTAU program itself) - this will optimize cross fading. Most USTs are already optimized in this division, so normally there's no need for that.
  • Open utau, and then on the program you click on file, and then click on new. Click on the arrows on the top bar next to 'Voice bank'. Scroll down, and you should see two words called 'BF FNF Power voicebank' (Which is just the powerful tone of bf's voice) and 'BF FNF Soft voicebank' (The softer version of bf's voice).
Hello Mac users! It's true that we have our own version of UTAU, but it's missing some of Windows users' favorite features: resamplers and plugins. Sometimes UTAU-Synth simply refuses to accept the license code for the month. The solution is to install the Windows version of UTAU through Wine!

Basic UTAU Functions by Ani (PuniPudding) Hello! In this tutorial I’ll be teaching you the very basics of voice synthesizer UTAU. Basics; Voice banks. Before we can sing we need a voice. Go grab a voicebank – the official site (above) has Teto’s voicebank. Teto is very difficult to make sing, but there is a way around this. “Utau is a freeware program made by programmers who were fans of Vocaloid. UTAU was modelled after Vocaloid, using a similar interface and function, but has a lower quality output, and the ability to record custom voices for the program” -Krystal.

This method will use a wineskin wrapper. If you know how to run Wine through the command line, you probably don't need this tutorial.
Here are the download links you need.
Wineskin: http://wineskin.urgesoftware.com/
UTAU: http://utau2008.xrea.jp/ (Click on 'v0.4.18e インストーラ')
Unzip the UTAU installer and leave it as it is. Install Wineskin as you normally would. Open Wineskin Winery, and click on the plus (+) to install a new engine. The latest one is at the top of the list. You should also update the wrapper version. Then, create a new blank wrapper and name it 'UTAU'. When it's done, you should be able to view the new wrapper in Finder. By default, it'll be under /Users/yourname/Applications/Wineskin/ but you can move the app wherever you like.

Open it, and don't install software just yet. Click on Advanced. Under custom commands, enter

This will make it act as if it's running under Japanese locale.
Now you can go ahead and click 'Install Software'. Select the UTAU installer you unzipped earlier. All the text in the installer will be squares, but don't worry, the program itself will not be.
  • Next (N)
  • The default install location is fine, but from the two radio buttons, choose the one labelled (E). Next (N)
  • Next (N)
  • Close (C)
UTAU is now installed in the wrapper. Set the executable as '/Program Files/UTAU/utau.exe'. On your desktop there will be a couple of files that are meant to be shortcuts, but they don't actually work, so you can delete them.
Now, let's select Test Run to make sure it's working properly. Because UTAU is being opened for the first time, it will open a readme.txt and the voice check window. Close the readme, and check the 'Do not show' box in the bottom left of the voice check window and close it.


If the blue text under the icon in the top left corner says デフォルト, then that means the text encoding was set correctly!

If it's a bunch of gibberish symbols, check that you've properly entered the command under Custom Commands in Wineskin.
However, UTAU might still be entirely in Japanese. Go to Tools (T), Options (O), first tab, second sub-tab, and check the bottom option. The small drop down menu will allow you to choose 'en'. Choose OK, then close UTAU and reopen from Test Run again. (No need to view the test logs unless something has gone wrong.)
Now, let's test.Utau - Wikipedia
  1. Enter a few notes with the pencil tool, select them with the selection tool, and play. Do they make sound? (Yes: 2) (No: 3)
  2. Congratulations, UTAU is working! (The timing is weird: 5)
  3. Go to Tools (T) > Voicebank settings (S) and select Launch Editor for any item in the list. (It's completely gray: 4) (There's a waveform: 5)
  4. Defoko's voicebank didn't generate properly. Go to Project (P) > Project Property (R) and select another voicebank by clicking on the [...] button next to where it says 'voiceuta'. Go to step 1.
  5. Let's change some of the settings. Go to Tools (T) > Option (O) > Rendering and check the box that says 'Note length calculated by GUI front end'. Go to step 1.
In normal usage I recommend clicking the 'Mode 2' button in the top bar as well as enabling MIDI OUT (speaker button just below 'Mode 2'). If you go to Tools (T) > Options (O) > MIDI and set a MIDI OUT, you will be able to hear a piano note whenever you click on the keyboard to the left of the piano roll.
Now that everything's set up, you can doubleclick on your new UTAU.app and run it whenever you like.
How to add voicebanks
During testing, I explained how to manually set a voicebank by navigating your files. You can continue to do this, but it might be more convenient to have voicebanks automatically show up in the drop-down list of Project Properties. To do this, voicebank folders need to be in the default voice directory. (They will still work even if the folder name ends with '.utau'). However, it'll be inconvenient to keep putting your voicebanks directly inside the app. So, go to Tools (T) > Option (O) > Path, and change the root voice directory to your own location. Then you can add voicebanks to this folder and they will automatically show up in the list.
From Project (P) > Project Property you can either select voicebanks from the main drop down menu, or from Voices (G) > Select (S). From the Voices (G) menu you can also set a default voicebank other than Defoko.
How to add plugins
Right click on UTAU.app and choose 'Show package contents'. Go to drive_c, Program Files, UTAU, then plugins. Unzip the plugin you want to use and put it in this folder. The plugin you want to add should be a folder that contains an EXE, a 'plugin.txt', and any other related files the developer has there.
In UTAU, they'll be available from Tools (T) > Plug-Ins (N).About
How to add resamplers
You can put these wherever you want, but it might be easier to find if you put them in the UTAU app as well. Right click on it and choose 'Show package contents', then go to drive_c, Program Files, UTAU. Create a new folder and name it 'resamplers'. Put all of your resamplers here.
In UTAU, go to Project (P) > Project Property (R) and from Tool 2 (resample) click on the [...] button and select the exe file for the resampler you want to use.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask them in the discussion thread!

Tutorial: UTAU for Beginners

Basic UTAU Functions
by Ani (PuniPudding)

Hello~! In this tutorial I’ll be teaching you the very basics of voice synthesizer UTAU.
Grab it here.

Utau Program

Basics; Voice banks.
Before we can sing we need a voice.
Go grab a voicebank – the official site (above) has Teto’s voicebank.
Teto is very difficult to make sing, but there is a way around this.
More on that another time, though.
First of all, download and unzip the voicebank wherever you like.
Then go to the seventh menu across, (T).
Open that and go to the sixth option down (O).
A box will pop up. Click on the second tab.

Here we can input the locations of our voicebanks.
See the fields there? There’s one longer than the rest, with a button next to it that ends with ‘…’.
Click on that and find where your voicebank is and open the あ file, or whichever sound is first.
No need to input every single sound, only the one.
Now that we’ve done that, you see the first, shorter field?
That’s where you can type the name of the UTAUloid.
So type that in, and press the first button next to it.
The voicebank location with name then appears in the box above.
Well done! You’ve imported a voicebank.

Basics; Loading Voicebanks for use.
So, we’ve imported the voicebank, but still, Defoko sings!
What do we do? We load the voicebank.
We go to the fifth menu across, the first (P).
Open that up and select the last option, (R).
The first field you can input the Title of the UST.
The second field, you can input the name of the WAV that you’ll export the audio to.
The third field is a drop-down menu for selecting the voicebank to load.
Click the drop-down menu and select the name of the UTAUloid you wish to use.
The ‘info’ button next to the menu brings up a window where you can view an image, info, and hear a voice sample of the UTAUloid.
Alternately, you can go to the first menu at the window we have up, (G), and then to (S) to select a voicebank.
The last fields are for the Appender and Resampler, do not edit these unless you know what you’re doing.

Okay, so. Once you’ve selected the voicebank you want, just click okay.

Basics; File Menu.
First option is New, second is Open, Third is Save. You know this already.
The sixth option is to import MIDI’s and Vocaloid VSQs.
I’ll say about about this later.
The seventh option is Export.
This is to export to MIDI or VSQ.

Basics; Edit Menu.
I don’t use this alot. Undo and Redo are…kinda were Undo and Redo always are.

Basics; View Menu.
The first two options are for zooming in or out.
This can also be done with the + and – magnifying glass icons at the top of the window.

Basics; (S) Menu.
I’ll cover this another time.
Not too sure of it, I’ve never needed or used it.

Basics; First (P) Menu.
The last option, (R) is for Loading Voicebanks.

Basics; Second (P) Menu.
The last option, (S) will export whatever song data that you have in your Temp files to WAV.
This means you have to play your song before you can export it, or you’ll end up with an empty file.

Basics; Tools Menu.
First option, (S), is for viewing and editing voice samples within the voicebank.
Last option, (O), is for Importing Voicebanks.

Basics; Help Menu.
Readme.txt and Software version.

Basics; Importing and Exporting
Okay. So say you’ve downloaded a VSQ or MIDI and want to use it.
Go to (F) and then to (I).
Change the file type in the dropdown menu according to what you’re importing.

Basics; Fixing Unusable VSQs and USTs
Okay. So you’ve imported your VSQ, and made your UTAUloid sing it…
But the UTAUloid is completely out of tune!

This is most likely an incompatibility issue between UTAU and Vocaloid, but either way, to fix this, press Ctrl+A to select all.

Export it to MIDI. Go to (F) and then to (N) to open a new project.
Press OK at the window that comes up, then import the MIDI.
Remember to change the singing UTAUloid to what you want. (Refer to Importing Voicebanks and Loading Voicebanks.)

The same method can be used for unusable USTs.

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Basics; Importing MIDIs.
The same method for importing VSQs is used for importing MIDIs.
Select, Cut, New, Paste.

Composing Your Own Songs.
The new version of UTAU allows you to record MIDIs from a keyboard.
It is impossible to make a song from scratch with UTAU; human lifespan isn’t long enough.
You’ll need a MIDI to work off, even if it’s one you’ve recorded yourself.

So. In the newest versions of UTAU you’ve noticed the ‘Mode2’ button, right?
You click it and…not much really happens.
Utau’s Mode2 is used for stringing notes together and adding vibrato.
It’s not as difficult as it sounds, so here we go~!

First of all open your UST/MIDI/VSQ.
Add your lyrics, adjust it, do everything you must to make the Utauloid sing.
When you’re done with this, click the Mode2 button in the top-right corner of UTAU.
The buttons ‘Trace’ and ‘Render’ will appear.
I’ll explain those a little later on.

Now to link notes together.
Right-click on a note, then go down to the eighth option, click on it.
A window will come up.
The first checkbox is for notelinking; the second for vibrato.
Once you’ve activated both you’ll be able to click and drag to adjust them; be careful how you link the notes, or it could end up sounding weird, and don’t put more vibrato than necessary.

Render Button.

You know in MODE2 The render button shows up?

Press this when you’re done and it ‘renders’ the links and vibrato to the singing.

Ameya/Ayame Twitter

Select notes and right-click, then choose the first option to play them, the second to replay what you played last.
Also, there’s the Play, Pause, and Stop buttons on the newer versions of UTAU.

Download UTAU - Logitheque English

I think that covers all of it. I hope this helps!