Chegg Flashcards

Conquer any course and study free flashcards on the go


Morse code is a method of sending text messages by keying in a series of electronic pulses, usually represented as a short pulse (called a 'dot') and a long pulse (a 'dash'). The code was devised by Samuel F. Morse in the 1840s to work with his invention of the telegraph, the first invention to effectively exploit electromagnetism for. Chegg Prep is the easiest way to study and conquer your quiz no matter what you’re learning! Chegg Prep for students. Create and study your own digital flashcards for free. Customize your study materials with images and rich text. Search over 500 million study materials and flashcards seamlessly across desktop and mobile devices.

Free Custom Flashcard Maker App
Chegg flashcards app for windows

VitalSource Bookshelf is the world’s leading platform for distributing, accessing, consuming, and engaging with digital textbooks and course materials. Start studying CHEGG. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Start studying Chegg. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

Prepare for your exams?

The Chegg Prep app is the fast, fun, free flashcard maker designed to help you learn things more quickly and ace your toughest classes.

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Make and study flashcards on-the-go

Create custom flashcard decks from anywhere with Chegg Prep. From Art History to Spanish to SAT prep, your custom flashcards can help you quickly and effectively memorize all those tough topics. And when you've mastered a card, you can remove it from your deck, so you only focus on the cards you need to learn.

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Add images to your flashcards

Chegg Flashcards For Pc

Studying a subject that requires you to memorize an image, like Art History or Chemistry? Chegg Prep app has what you need to quickly and easily add an image to your flashcard.

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Chegg Flashcards Pc

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Don’t want to create your own flashcards? Search our huge library of flashcard decks made by experts and other students. Everything is completely free.